「ディアブロ IV」シーズン5 PTR パッチノート・参加方法

「ディアブロ IV」シーズン5 PTR

「ディアブロ IV」のシーズン5 PTR(テスト)が開始します。参加できるのはPC – Battle.netアカウントでプレイしてるプレイヤーのみで、開催期間は6月26日~7月2日です。







  • アクティビティ「獄炎軍団」では敵の軍勢を討伐しつつ、強力な武器と報酬を解放できる「燃えるエーテル」を集めることになります。軍勢の討伐に成功すると、強力な「堕獄の評議会」と戦うことができます。
  • 「獄炎羅針盤」を使って憎悪の領域に入りましょう。
    • 獄炎羅針盤はエンドゲームボスやヘルタイド、ナイトメア・ダンジョン、囁きの木のクエストから獲得可能です。
    • 最新の永遠の領域のクエストを完了すると、獄炎羅針盤が1つ手に入ります。


  • 獄炎軍団は制限時間付きの波状攻撃を仕掛けてきます。それぞれの攻撃は90秒間続きます。
  • この獄炎軍団を相手にしたチャレンジを成功させることで、最後に、波状攻撃中に集めた燃えるエーテルを使用できます。
  • 90秒が終了したら、残りの敵を殲滅して3つの「獄炎の禍福」から1つを選択しましょう。選択すると、次の波状攻撃が始まります。
  • ティア内の全ての波状攻撃を撃退に成功したら、「憎悪の泉源」へと進み、堕獄の評議会と戦うことになります。堕獄の評議会を倒すと、「地獄の戦利品」で燃えるエーテルを使用できます。




  • 獄炎の禍福は、そのチャレンジに変化を加える3つの異なる恩恵と祟りから選択できます。いずれか1つを選択しましょう!
    • 例:エリートのダメージが増加するが、エリートから得られる燃えるエーテルが増加
  • よく考えて選択しましょう。獄炎の禍福は獄炎軍団のチャレンジが終了するまで蓄積していきます。つまり、複数の効果が同時に発生します!
  • 獄炎の禍福を使えば、難易度を上げてより多くの燃えるエーテルを獲得することも可能ですが、難易度が高すぎると感じるなら、もっと控えめな獄炎の禍福を選択する事も可能です。


  • エーテル・フィーンドやエーテル・ロードを倒すか、魂陣やエーテル塊を破壊することで燃えるエーテルを獲得できます。
  • 燃えるエーテルはソロでプレイしていてもグループでプレイしていても、個別に獲得できます。そのため、チャレンジの最後に燃えるエーテルをどのように使用するかは個々人が決めることができます。


  • チャレンジに成功すると、燃えるエーテルを使って「地獄の戦利品」を解放できます。獄炎軍団のチャレンジ完了時に入手可能な、4種類の地獄の戦利品は以下の通りです。
    • 装備の戦利品
    • 素材の戦利品
    • ゴールドの戦利品
    • 大いなる装備の戦利品
      • この地獄の戦利品では大いなる特性を持つアイテムが確定で手に入ります!


  • 獄炎羅針盤には難易度とワールドティアに応じて変化する8つのティアが存在します。
  • 獄炎羅針盤のティアが上がるごとに波状攻撃の数が増加し、ティアI~IIIでは波状攻撃は5回ですが、回数が最大に達するティアVIIIでは10回もの波状攻撃を受けることになります。また、ティアを上がると開始時点でのモンスターの脅威度や報酬の価値が増加し、プレイヤーの復活回数が減少します。
  • 「深淵の巻物」を獲得可能で、これを使うことで獄炎羅針盤のティアを上げて強化できます。ドロップする獄炎羅針盤はティアI~IIIのもののみで、最大のティアVIIIまで上げるには深淵の巻物が必要です。


  • ティアI
    • ワールドティアIIIで利用可能
  • ティアII
    • ワールドティアIVで利用可能
    • 作成用素材の量や、レジェンダリー・アイテムとユニーク・アイテムのドロップ率が増加するボーナス特性が登場します!
  • ティアIII
    • レベル100で利用可能
    • ボーナス特性が登場します
    • 大いなる装備の戦利品が登場します


  • 獄炎軍団の襲撃を生き延びると、堕獄の評議会が待ちうけています。評議会は元々は「Diablo II」に登場した三大悪の一角のメフィストから人々を守ることを目的とした組織でしたが、気高かった司祭たちは堕落し、今では断固たる敵であったはずのかの悪魔の擁護者と成り果てています。
  • 堕獄の評議会のメンバーは全部で5名存在し、それぞれに独自の能力を持っています。 堕獄の評議会と対峙するたびに、ランダムに選ばれた3人のメンバーと戦うことになります。評議会と戦う際には、多様な組み合わせで繰り出される固有能力に注意が必要です。
  • 堕獄の評議会に一定のダメージを与えると、司祭の攻撃がさらに苛烈になります。倒されたくなければ、気を緩めないようにしましょう。
  • 堕獄の評議会を倒すと、「地獄の戦利品」で燃えるエーテルを使用できます。



  • シーズン5では新たなレジェンダリー・アイテムやユニーク・アイテムなどの各種アイテムが登場します。
  • これらの新たなレジェンダリー・アイテムやユニーク・アイテムはサンクチュアリのあちこちで敵を倒すことでも獲得可能ですが、一番出現率が高いのは獄炎軍団プレイ時です。




  • 同じボスと再度戦うためにダンジョンをリセットする必要がなくなりました。ボスを倒すと召喚の祭壇が再出現し、追加のリソースを使用して再挑戦可能です。
  • ヴァーシャンの召喚に必要なリソースが「マリグナントの心臓」のみになりました。「震える手」、「黒ずんだ大腿」、「喉を鳴らす頭」はゲームから削除されました。
  • エンドゲームボスがレア・アイテムの代わりに追加のゴールドをドロップするようになりました。


  • 氷に包まれた獣のボス戦は標準のダンジョンとして機能するようになり、戦闘するために紋章を作成する必要がなくなります。
    • 以前のシーズンの領域および永遠なる領域に残っている氷に包まれた獣の紋章は、氷に包まれた獣の召喚素材としてではなく、召喚アイテムとして使用できます。
  • ボス戦が以前よりもずっと入り口に近い場所で発生するようになり、戦闘前にダンジョン内を進む必要がなくなります。
  • 召喚に使用する素材としての紋章の粉は廃止されました。


  • 囁きの木の報酬クエストを完了するのに必要な時間を大幅に短縮しました。特定のヘルタイド内で「厳かな願い」を10個獲得できるだけのささやきが常に用意されるようになり、完了にかかる時間が大幅に短縮されました。また、他の囁きと一致するようにアイコンがアップデートされました。
  • 脅威の上昇が倒したモンスターの体力と同じように増加するようになりました。
  • 「祟られし心臓」が頻繁にドロップしすぎて価値が感じられていなかったので、ドロップ率を調整しました。
    • 「拷問されし賜物」から入手する確率が最初は13%から始まり、入手できないたびに入手率が上がります。「祟られし心臓」を受け取ったら、入手率が10%にリセットされます。
    • ヘルボーンとヘルタイド・アサシンは「心臓」のドロップ率が1%から始まり、入手できないたびに入手率が上がります。入手すると2%にリセットされます。
  • 囁きの報酬クエスト「悪魔を倒す」にフォールンが含まれるようになり、「フォールンを倒す」は「邪教徒を倒す」に変更されました。


  • トーメントボスを倒して得られる「燦然たる光彩」がハードコアと非ハードコアの両方で別々に獲得可能になりました。
  • 「燦然たる光彩」と「砕かれたプリズム」を自動で拾わなくなりました。さらに、これらのアイテムがドロップしたまま忘れられていた場合、保管箱の失ったアイテムで見つかるようになりました。
  • ユニーク・アイテムおよび神秘のユニーク・アイテムが囁きの箱、骨董商人、ヘルタイドの拷問されし賜物で入手できるようになりました。
  • ボス以外のドロップロケーションで神秘のユニーク・アイテムを入手する確率が増加しました。


  • トレジャーゴブリンの戦利品の品質が向上しました。レジェンダリー・アイテムを1~3個、レア・アイテムを2~6個ドロップするようになりました。レジェンダリーのドロップ数が多いほど、レアのドロップ数が少なくなります。その逆も然りで、レジェンダリー・アイテムが2個ドロップした場合は、レアが増えて4個ドロップします。
  • エリクサーが1~2個ドロップするようになり、追加でコモンの鉱石、薬草、革、宝石の欠片が確定でドロップするようになりました。
  • ドロップするゴールド量が増加しました。
    • 例:
      • ワールドティアIのレベル1:40,000ゴールド
      • ワールドティアIVのレベル100:150,000ゴールド
  • ワールドティアIIIとIVでは、トレジャーゴブリンが「忘れられし魂」もドロップするようになります。
  • さらに、ワールドティアIとIIでは10%、ワールドティアIIIでは20%、ワールドIVでは30%の確率で「砕かれたプリズム」が1~2個ドロップするようになりました。


  • より多くのクラスが異なる種類の武器を使用できるようになります。既存の特性がアップデートされて様々なクラスで役に立つようになり、その要件が調整されます。
    • 例えば、ソーサレスが片手剣とメイスを使用可能になります。


シーズン5 PTRでは、3つの大規模な利便性向上機能およびアクセシビリティ機能が追加されるので、皆さんからのフィードバックをお待ちしています。これらの機能はプレイヤーのワールド内のナビゲーションを容易にして、クエストの目的地を見つけやすくするためのものです。開発中の機能なので、皆さんからのあらゆるフィードバックを参考にして、今後のアップデートで正式リリースされる前に調整を行います。











  • キャンペーンの完了状態
  • 乗騎とスキルポイント
  • マップの踏破状況
  • リリスの祭壇のステータスボーナス


  • キャラクターを直ちにレベル100までブーストできます。
    • PTRサーバーに入ってザービンゼットに到達すると「PTR ブースト」という名前のNPCがいます。そのNPCと会話すると、レベル100までブーストするかどうかの選択肢が出てきます。
  • ブーストを利用すると、以下を得られます。
    • すべての新たなレジェンダリー
    • 各クラスに1つの新たなユニーク
    • 1億ゴールド
    • 1,000オボール
    • アイテムパワー920のランダムな祖霊装備2セット
    • 強化されたポーション
    • 最大まで解放されたパラゴングリフ
    • 最大10個の焼戻秘伝書(クラス固有)
    • 全消費素材を一定数
      • 名工品制作、砕かれたプリズム、燦然たる光彩を獲得するためのリソースの素材は含まれません
      • 名匠の奈落およびナイトメア・ダンジョンに入るための素材は提供されます。
    • 完成状態のクラス別メカニクス(例:ソーサレスのエンチャント)
    • 注:このブーストはPTRで新たなキャラクターを作成する度に利用可能で、必要に応じてキャラクター間で取引できます。
  • マップは完全に踏破済みです。



PTRで体験した変更内容にフィードバックを送っていただくことは非常に重要であり、シーズン5での一連の変更を最高の形で「ディアブロ IV」にリリースするために不可欠です。PTRに参加していただけたら、ぜひともご感想をお聞かせください!

フィードバックはゲーム内のフィードバックツールを利用するか、「ディアブロ IV」のPTRフォーラムでお伝えいただけます。またバグについては、ゲーム内メニューでESCキーを押すと報告メニューが開きます。ドロップダウンのフィルターで「ゲーム内フィードバックツール(In-game feedback tool)」を選択すれば、ゲームを終了することなくフィードバックを提供できます。



  • BlizzardのBattle.netアプリを開き、「ゲーム」リストから「ディアブロ IV」を選択します。
  • 「プレイ」ボタンの上に、ゲームバージョンを選択するドロップダウンメニューがあります。
    • 「パブリック・テストの領域(Public Test Realm)」を選択します。
  • 「インストール」をクリックして、PTRクライアントをインストールします。準備が整うと、このボタンが「プレイ」ボタンになります。
  • 「プレイ」をクリックしてPTRにログインし、利用可能なテストサーバーのいずれかを選択します。
  • 新たなテストキャラクターを作成します
    • 注:シーズンのテーマに関連するテスト用にシーズンメカニクスを作成します
  • ゲームをプレイして、シーズン5をテストしましょう!

PC Game PassまたはGame Pass Ultimateに加入している場合も、他のBattle Netユーザーと同じフローでPTRにアクセスできます。XboxアプリでBattle Netのクライアントにアクセスしたら、Battle Netを通じてPTRへのアクセスを続けてください。

シーズン5 PTRパッチノート(英語)

We have many quality-of-life changes coming with the Season 5 PTR, the full notes for the PTR are included below:1.5.0 PTR Build #55051 (PC) – June 25, 2024


New Items and Tempering Recipes

All Classes

Tempering Recipes

Worldly Finesse – Offensive

  • +X% Critical Strike Damage
  • +X% Vulnerable Damage
  • +X% Overpower Damage
  • +X% Ultimate Damage


Unique Items

Unbroken Chain – Amulet

  • Casting Steel Grasp reduces Iron Maelstrom’s Cooldown by 5-10 seconds. Enemies damaged by Iron Maelstrom deal 15-30% less damage for 6 seconds.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Forward Momentum – Mobility

  • Knocking back an enemy grants 25-40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

Tempering Recipes

Slayer’s Finesse – Offensive

  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Bonus Damage against Injured
  • Bleeding Damage


Unique Items

Björnfang’s Tusks – Unique Gloves

  • Cataclysm is now guaranteed to strike anything in range and you deal 40-80%[x] increased damage for the duration of the effect. While Cataclsym is active, you gain unlimited Spirit.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Rushing Wilds – Mobility

  • Casting a Companion Skill grants 5-15% Movement Speed for 5 seconds, up to 15-45%.

Tempering Recipes

Ultimate Efficiency – Resource

  • Cataclysm Cooldown Reduction
  • Lacerate Cooldown Reduction
  • Petrify Cooldown Reduction
  • Grizzly Rage Cooldown Reduction


Unique Items

Path of Trag’Oul – Unique Boots

  • Bone Prison traps a larger area and fires 20-35 Bone Splinters at enemies trapped within. Increase your Maximum Essence by 2 for 8 seconds each time these Bone Splinters hit an enemy.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Unholy Tether – Mobility

  • Casting Golem’s active Skill creates a bond between you for 6 seconds. While the bond is active, both of you are Unhindered and gain 25-40% Movement Speed.

Inexorable Reaper’s – Mobility

  • Sever now dashes you forward to attack instead. It becomes a Mobility Skill and costs no Essence, but has a 22-7 second cooldown.

Aspect of Creeping Mist – Mobility

  • Gain 20-35% Evade Cooldown Reduction.
  • You can now Evade during Blood Mist, traveling twice as far. Entering or exiting Blood Mist resets your Evade Cooldown.

Imprisoned Spirit’s – Offensive

  • When Bone Spirit explodes inside a Bone Prison, it explodes an additional time, dealing 40-70% of normal damage.
  • Bone Spirit now prioritizes enemies inside a Bone Prison.

Tempering Recipes

Necromancer Wall – Defensive

  • Skill Ranks of Necrotic Carapace
  • Skill Ranks of Drain Vitality
  • Minion Damage Reduction
  • Chance for your Minion Attacks to Fortify you for 3% Maximum Life


Unique Items

Shroud of Khanduras – Unique Chest Armor

  • Dark Shroud grants Immune for 3 seconds, but your Evade Cooldown is increased by 9-3 seconds. Evading while Dark Shroud is active leaves behind an explosion that deals Shadow damage and pulls in enemies.

Legendary Aspects

Of Nebulous Brews – Mobility

  • Using a Healing Potion grants 35-50% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. After moving 30 meters, you spawn a Healing Potion.

Galvanized Slasher’s – Resource

  • Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Mobility Skill has a 15-30% chance to fully restore your Energy. Your Maximum Energy is increased by 10-25.

Of Iron Rain – Offensive

  • Smoke Grenade has a 35-50% chance to create an Arrow Storm where it explodes, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds. Your Arrow Storms continuously apply Vulnerable.

Breakneck Bandit’s – Offensive

  • Flurry deals 15-30% increased damage and has a 20% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds with each hit.

Mired Sharpshooter’s – Utility

  • Caltrops is now a Marksman Skill that periodically throws 5-20 piercing daggers over its Duration, each dealing Shadow damage and applying Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Tempering Recipes

Subterfuge Expertise

  • Increased Smoke Grenade damage.
  • Increased Smoke Grenade Size.
  • Increased damage for each Dark Shroud Shadow.
  • Increased damage on Next Attack after entering Stealth.

Rogue Persistence

  • Increased Maximum Life Percentage gained while Dark Shroud is active.
  • Increased Maximum and All Resistance Percentage for 5 Seconds from Health. Potions.
  • Increased Skill Ranks of Second Wind.
  • Increased Skill Ranks of Aftermath.


Unique Item

Axial Conduit – Unique Pants

  • Chain Lightning alternates between orbiting you and seeking up to 3 enemies. When it returns, it drains 6 Mana from you for each active Chain Lightning. After draining 66 total Mana, the bolt explodes for (270%-570%) Lightning damage.
  • Chain Lightning expires if you don’t have enough Mana for it to drain.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect Of Tenuous Agility

  • Gain 5-15% increased Movement Speed. This bonus is doubled if you haven’t used a Defensive Skill in 8 seconds.

Aspect Of the Firebird

  • Gain the Flame Shield Enchantment for free.
  • When Flame Shield activates, Meteorites fall around you dealing (50%-70%) Fire damage.

Lightning Rod Aspect

  • Chain Lightning has a 5-20% chance to chain an additional time when hitting Crowd Controlled enemies and Bosses, and will seek them as targets.

Aspect Of Elemental Acuity

  • Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your Mana Regeneration by 10-20% for 5 seconds, once per Element.
  • At maximum stacks, the total bonus is increased to 60-120% for 10 seconds, but all stacks expire after the duration.

Aspect Of the Orange Herald

  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5-10% Chance when you damage an enemy with a Skill to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds. Can only happen once per Skill cast.

Tempering Recipes

Discharge – Weapon

  • +X% chance to cast an additional Charged Bolt (moved from Shock Augments).
  • +X% Teleport size (moved from Shock Augments).
  • +X% chance for Arc Lash to swipe twice.

Conjuration – Weapon

  • +1-2 Hydra Heads on Cast.
  • X% chance for another Ice Blade on Cast.
  • X% chance for another Lightning Spear on Cast.

Conjuration Fortune – Utility

  • +X% Hydra Lucky Hit Chance.
  • +X% Ice Blade Lucky Hit Chance.
  • +X% Lightning Spear Lucky Hit Chance.

Elemental Control – Utility

  • +X Skill ranks to Convulsions.
  • +X Skill ranks to Snap Freeze.
  • +X Skill ranks to Crippling Flames.

Existing Tempering Recipe Additions

  • +X Skill ranks to Conduction – Added to Sorcerer Motion.
  • +X Ice Armor Duration – Added to Frost Cage.






  • Adjusted functionality: After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Clobber, Stunning enemies for 1.5 seconds. Clobber twice as often while using a Two-Handed weapon.
  • Enhanced Bash
    • Adjusted functionality: Clobbering an enemy grants you 20% Maximum Life as Fortify.
  • Battle Bash
    • Adjusted functionality: Clobbering an enemy generates an additional 10 Fury.


  • Enhanced Flay
    • Vulnerable duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Combat Flay
    • Damage Reduction increased from 3% to 4%.
    • Maximum stacks increased from 4 to 5.
    • Buff duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.

Endless Fury

  • No longer requires Two-Handed weapons.
  • Fury gain from Basic Skills increased from 10/20/30% to 12/24/36%.

Imposing Presence

  • Maximum Health reduced from 6/12/18% to 5/10/15%.

Legendary Aspects

Wanton Rupture Aspect

  • Frequency increased from every 40-25 seconds to every 30-15 seconds.

Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind

  • Now pulls in new targets three times as frequently.

Steadfast Berserker’s Aspect

  • No longer requires a Lucky Hit, and now always triggers.

Unique Items

Gohr’s Devasting Grips

  • Explosion size is now affected by increases to Whirlwind’s size.

Paragon Nodes

Hemorrhage Legendary Node

  • Now bonus Bleeding damage now caps at 45%.

Weapons Master Legendary Node

  • Fury gain increased from 4% to 8% of Maximum Fury.


  • Passive Rank bonus for Clarity affix added to Amulets.



  • Damage per hit of Landslide increased from 37.5% to 70%.
  • Damage area increased from 1.5 to 2.
  • Doubled the amount of pillars.
  • Total damage increased from 70% to 280%.


  • 1st Attack Damage buffed from 28% to 52%.
  • 2nd Attack Damage buffed from 39% to 72%.
  • 3rd Attack Damage buffed from 77% to 143%.


  • Damage buffed from 50% to 92.5%.


  • Damage buffed from 35% to 65%.

Lightning Storm

  • Damage buffed from 40% to 74%.


  • Damage buffed from 187% to 346%.


  • Can now be cast while moving.

Poison Creeper

  • Can now be cast while moving.


  • Damage area increased from 1 to 2.
  • Casting Lacerate now teleports to the target instead of starting at the caster.


  • Lightning Strike rate is doubled.

Grizzly Rage

  • Cooldown for this ability now starts after Grizzly Rage ends.
  • Previous – Shapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 20%[x] bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form. Kills extend the duration by 1 second up to an additional 5 seconds.
  • Now – Shapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 30%[x] bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form, up to a maximum of 75%. Kills extend the duration by 1 second, but the duration cannot go above 10 seconds.

Debilitating Roar

  • Damage Reduction decreased from 70% to 40%.

Earthen Bulwark

  • Previous – Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 45% of your Base Life in damage.
  • Now – Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 45% of your Maximum Life in damage.

Cyclone Armor

  • Non-Physical Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.



  • Previous – Core and Wrath Skills deal an additional 20% damage for each Companion you have.
  • Now – Companion Skills deal an additional 20% damage for each Companion you have.


  • Previous – When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain 2-5 Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.
  • Now – When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain 5-20% Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.


  • Delay from second set of Landslides slightly decreased.

Lupine Ferocity

  • Reduced amount of hits from 6 to 3 to benefit from the effect.


  • Damage Reduction increased for each Skill Rank from 5% to 7%.

Iron Fur

  • Damage Reduction increased for each Skill Rank from 3% to 4%.

Heightened Senses

  • Damage Reduction increased for each Skill Rank from 2% to 3%.

Legendary Aspects

Metamorphic Stone Aspect

  • No longer removes Wrath skill tag from Boulder.


Thunderstruck Legendary Node

  • Now has a maximum bonus capped at 40%.

Human Glyph

  • Damage bonus increased from 6.6% to 9.9%.
  • Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Protector Glyph

  • Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Werebear Glyph

  • Damage bonus increased from 6.6% to 9.9%.
  • Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Werewolf Glyph

  • Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.


Book of the Dead

  • Necromancer Minion attacks can now Overpower.
  • Minions are now more aggressive and will automatically engage nearby enemies.


  • Active ability – If the Golem is far from the targeted location, it will now leap to the target.
  • Iron Golem – Slam size increased by 56%.



  • Primary damage increased from 80% to 110%.
  • Secondary damage increased from 30% to 45%.
  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 20% to 25%.


  • Damage over time increased from 105% to 135%.

Blood Wave

  • Damage increased from 150% to 450%.



  • Hits required reduced from 10 to 8.
  • Damage increased from 22% to 44%.

Hellbent Commander

  • Previous – Your Minions deal 15/30/45%[x] increased damage while you are Close to them.
  • Now – While you control at least 7 Minions, they deal 10/20/30%[x] increased damage.

Legendary Aspects

Blighted Aspect

  • Bonus damage after triggering Shadowblight 10 times reduced from 60-120%[x] to 35-50%[x].

Developer’s Note: Blighted Aspect has been a disproportionately large source of damage for Shadowblight based Necromancers, giving far more power than we normally give for a single Aspect. To compensate for this change, we are increasing the baseline power of the Darkness Core Skills and Shadowblight with the goal of keeping these builds at approximately the same overall power level.

Aspect of Bursting Bones

  • Bone Prison Burst damage increased from 9-12.2% to 75-120% of Weapon Damage.

Aspect of Empowering Reaper

  • Chance for Sever to create Blight increased from 10-25% to 15-30%.
  • Blight bonus damage increased from 40-100%[x] to 60-120%[x].

Aspect of Hungry Blood

  • Additional Blood Lance damage increased from 33-48% to 40-70%.

Aspect of Grasping Veins

  • Critical Strike Chance after casting Corpse Tendrils reduced from 10-25% to 5-20%.
  • Critical Strike Damage to enemies damaged by Corpse Tendrils reduced from 20-50% to 10-40%.
  • Critical Strike Damage bonus now lasts for 6 seconds, rather than indefinitely.

Cadaverous Aspect

  • Previous – Consuming a Corpse increases the damage of your next Core Skill by 5-10%[x], up to 25-50%[x].
  • Now – Consuming a Corpse increases the damage of your Core Skills by 3.5-6%[x] for 5 seconds, up to 17.5-30%[x].

Torturous Aspect

  • Previous – Iron Maiden is now also a Darkness Skill and deals Shadow damage. Enemies afflicted by Iron Maiden have a 10-25% chance to be Stunned for 1 second when they deal direct damage.
  • Now – Iron Maiden is now also a Darkness Skill and deals Shadow damage. Enemies have a 10-25% chance to be Stunned for 1 second when they take damage from Iron Maiden.

Unique Items

Blood Moon Breeches

  • Bonus Overpower Damage to Cursed enemies increased from 70%[x] to 100%[x].

Cruor’s Embrace

  • Core Skill Damage Affix replaced with Ranks to Tides of Blood Passive.

Ring of Mendeln

  • Lucky Hit Chance Affix replaced with Summoning Skill Damage.

Deathspeaker’s Pendant

  • Summoning Skill Damage Affix replaced with Movement Speed.


Wither Legendary Paragon Node

  • Intelligence scaling is now capped at 1200 Intelligence.


  • Maximum Arrow Storms increased from 5 to 7.
  • Preparation
    • Previous – Every 75 Energy you spend reduces your Ultimate Skill’s Cooldown by 5 seconds. Using an Ultimate Skill resets the Cooldowns of your other Skills.
    • Now – Spend 75 Energy to reduce your Ultimate Skill’s Cooldown by 5 seconds. Ultimate Skills reset other Cooldowns and grant 15% Damage Reduction for 8 seconds.


Blade Shift

  • Damage increased by 50% (0.2 to 0.3).
  • Previous – Quickly stab your victim for damage and shift, allowing you to move freely through enemies for 4 seconds.
  • Now – Quickly stab your victim for damage and shift, making you Unhindered for 4 seconds.

Developer’s Note: Unhindered allows you to move through enemies and prevents your Movement Speed from being lowered.

  • Fundamental Blade Shift
    • Enemies moved through needed to activate Daze reduced from 5 to 3.
  • Primary Blade Shift
    • Control Impairing Effect Duration Reduction increased from 20% to 30%.

Invigorating Strike

  • Damage increased by 20%.

Enhanced Twisting Blades

  • Return damage bonus increased from 30% to 35%.

Shadow Step

  • Damage increased by 11% (0.72 to 0.8).
  • Enhanced Shadow Step
    • Previous – Damaging an enemy with Shadow Step increases your Critical Strike Chance against them by 8% for 3 seconds.
    • Now – Damaging an enemy with Shadow Step Dazes and applies Vulnerable to them for 3 seconds.
  • Methodical Shadow Step
    • Previous – Enemies damaged by Shadow Step are Stunned for 2 seconds.
    • Now – After Shadow Stepping, you gain 20% Damage Reduction for 3 seconds.
  • Disciplined Shadow Step
    • Previous – Shadow Step’s Cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds when it damages an enemy you have not hit with Shadow Step in the last 4 seconds.
    • Now – Damaging an enemy with Shadow Step Stuns them for 2 seconds and reduces its Cooldown by 3 seconds.


  • Damage increased by 25% (0.32 to 0.4).
  • Additional functionality: Dash Slows enemies hit by 30% for 3 seconds.
  • Enhanced Dash
    • Previous – Enemies damaged by Dash take 15% increased Critical Strike Damage from you for 5 seconds.
    • Now – Casting Dash increases your Critical Strike Chance by 10% for 5 seconds.
  • Disciplined Dash
    • Previous – Dash Slows enemies it hits by 30% for 3 seconds. Any enemy already Slowed will be Dazed for 2 seconds instead.
    • Now – At the end of Dash, Knock Down surrounding enemies for 2 seconds and deal 350% of its damage to them.
  • Methodical Dash
    • Previous – Dealing damage to Crowd Controlled enemies with Dash reduces its Charge Cooldown by 0.5 seconds, up to 4 seconds per cast.
    • Now – Dash has 1 additional Charge and its Charge Cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.


  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 10% to 13%.

Enhanced Flurry

  • Previous – Each time Flurry damages a Crowd Controlled or Vulnerable enemy, you are Healed for 1% of your Maximum Life, up to 12% Maximum Life per cast.
  • Now – Each time Flurry damages an enemy, it has a 10% chance to apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds and deals 1% increased damage for 5 seconds after hitting a Vulnerable enemy, up to a total of 50%.

Advanced Flurry

  • Previous – Evading through an enemy will cause your next Flurry to deal 30% increased damage and Stun enemies hit for 2.5 seconds.
  • Now – Successive casts of Flurry increase its damage by 15% and reduce its Energy cost by 10%, up to 3 times.

Improved Flurry

  • Previous – Flurry deals 20% increased damage to Vulnerable targets. If Flurry hits any Vulnerable enemy, it will make all enemies hit by that cast Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
  • Now – Casting Flurry dashes you to the target and Heals 10% of your Maximum Life.


  • Damage increased by 13% (0.4 to 0.45).
  • Disciplined Caltrops
    • Critical Strike Chance bonus increased from 5% to 10%.

Dark Shroud

  • You can now only lose 1 Dark Shroud shadow every 1.5 seconds.
  • Enhanced Dark Shroud
    • Previous – Dark Shroud’s shadows have a 14% chance to not be Consumed.
    • Now – Each active Dark Shroud shadow grants you 5% increased Movement Speed and also has a 15% chance to not be Consumed.
  • Subverting Dark Shroud
    • Previous – Each active shadow from Dark Shroud grants you 4% increased Movement Speed.
    • Now – You Heal for 10% of your Maximum Life when a Dark Shroud shadow is removed.
  • Countering Dark Shroud
    • You only need 1 active shadow to get the bonus Critical Strike Chance instead of 2.
    • Critical Strike Chance increased from 8% to 10%.

Smoke Grenade

  • Additional functionality: Smoke Grenade now deals 45% Physical damage, has a 25% Lucky Hit Chance, and its Skill Ranks now give increased damage and Cooldown Reduction.
  • Enhanced Smoke Grenade
    • Previous – Enemies affected by Smoke Grenade take 25% increased damage from you.
    • Now – Enemies hit by Smoke Grenade take 25% increased damage from you for 5 seconds.
  • Countering Smoke Grenade
    • Previous – Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to enemies affected by Smoke Grenade has up to a 25% chance to reduce its Cooldown by 1 second, or by 3 seconds instead if the enemy is Vulnerable.
    • Now – Hitting an Elite or Boss with Smoke Grenade reduces its Cooldown by 5 seconds.
  • Subverting Smoke Grenade
    • Previous – If an enemy is Vulnerable, Slowed, or Chilled then Smoke Grenade will Daze them for 20% longer.
    • Now – Smoke Grenade now deals Poison damage and applies another 45% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds.

Poison Imbuement

  • Poisoning Duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
  • Enhanced Poison Imbuement
    • Previous – Poison Imbuement’s Poisoning Duration is increased by 1 second.
    • Now – Casting Poison Imbuement generates 30 Energy, increased by 2 for each Nearby Poisoned enemy.

Poison Trap

  • Damage increased by 36% (0.11 to 0.15).
  • Subverting Poison Trap
    • Poison damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Countering Poison Trap
    • Chance to reset Imbuements increased from 30% to 40%.

Penetrating Shot

  • New functionality: Now deals 10% increased damage per enemy it pierces.
  • Enhanced Penetrating Shot
    • Previous – Penetrating Shot deals 10% increased damage for each enemy it pierces.
    • Now – Casting Penetrating Shot and hitting a Boss or Elite with it has a 25% Chance to fire an additional shot for free.

Rain of Arrows

  • Casting Speed has been increased by 30%.
  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 2% to 4%.
  • Cooldown reduced from 55 to 50 seconds.



  • Renamed to Unstable Elixirs.
  • Previous – After Knocking Back or Knocking Down an enemy, you gain 4% increased Critical Strike Chance for 4 seconds.
  • Now – Using a Healing Potion Stuns surrounding enemies for 2 seconds and increases your damage by 6% for 5 seconds.

Rapid Gambits

  • Previous – Your Evade Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds when you Daze an enemy.
  • Now – Evading through an enemy Dazes them for 2 seconds. Your Evade Cooldown is reduced by 0.25 seconds when you Daze an enemy.

Trick Attacks

  • Previous – When you Critically Strike a Dazed enemy they are Knocked Down for 0.5 seconds.
  • Now – Dazing or Stunning an enemy increases your Critical Strike Chance by 2% and Critical Strike Damage by 2% for 5 seconds, both up to 12%.


  • New functionality: Added visuals to show when the effect is ready.
  • Previous – After moving 12 meters, your next Non-Basic attack deals 7% increased damage.
  • Now – After moving 15 meters, your next Core or Ultimate attack deals 8% increased damage. While the damage bonus remains, your Agility and Subterfuge Skills deal 4% increased damage.


  • Previous – You deal 3% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
  • Now – You deal 4% increased damage to Vulnerable or Knocked Down enemies.

Alchemical Advantage

  • Previous – You gain 1% increased Attack Speed for each enemy you’ve Poisoned, up to 15%.
  • Now – Dealing Poison damage increases your Attack Speed and Lucky Hit Chance by 1% for 8 seconds, up to 5%.

Developer’s Note: The maximum stack potential increases by 5% with each Skill Rank.

Second Wind

  • Previous – Every 100 Energy you spend grants you 5% increased Lucky Hit Chance for 5 seconds.
  • Now – Every 100 Energy you spend grants 15% of your Maximum Life as a Barrier for 3 seconds.


  • Previous – After using an Ultimate Skill, restore 30 Energy.
  • Now – While an Ultimate Skill is on your Action Bar, you Heal for 0.5% Maximum Life every second. After using an Ultimate, restore 25 Energy.

Weapon Mastery

  • Dagger damage to Healthy enemies increased from 5% to 6%.

Key Passives


  • The Explosion damage of Victimize has been increased by ~50% to compensate for a bug fix, detailed below.


  • Previous – Cutthroat Skills grant a stack of Momentum for 8 seconds if they either hit a Stunned, Dazed, or Frozen enemy, or hit any enemy from behind. While at 3 stacks of Momentum you gain 20% increased Damage Reduction, 30% increased Energy Regeneration, and 15% increased Movement Speed.
  • Now – Casting a Cutthroat Skill grants a stack of Momentum. Casting a Non-Cutthroat Skill removes a stack of Momentum. For each stack of Momentum, you gain 3% Damage Reduction, 3% Maximum Energy, 3% Energy Regeneration, 3% Movement Speed, up to 30%.

Legendary Aspects

Enshrouding Aspect

  • Previous – Gain a free Dark Shroud shadow every 3 seconds when standing still. Each Dark Shroud shadow grants 2.5-4.0% increased Damage Reduction.
  • Now – Using a Healing Potion makes a free Dark Shroud shadow. Each shadow grants 2.5-4.0% increased Damage Reduction.

Of Arrow Storms

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Your Marksman Skills have up to a 25% chance to create an Arrow Storm at the enemy’s location, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds. Your Arrow Storms deal 30-40% increased damage.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Your Marksman and Cutthroat Skills have up to a 25% chance to create an Arrow Storm at the enemy’s location, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds. Your Arrow Storms deal 45-60% increased damage.


  • Arrow Storm Damage increased from 25-40% to 45-60%.


  • Damage bonus to Shadow Step increased from 2.5-10% to 4.5-12%.


  • Previous – Caltrops also throw a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second. Your Stun Grenades deal 25-40% increased damage.
  • Now – Caltrops and Smoke Grenade receive Stun Grenade benefits and throw Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second. Your Stun Grenades deal 25-40% increased damage.

Of Noxious Ice

  • Poison damage bonus to Frozen enemies increased from 15-30% to 20-35%.

Of Bursting Venoms

  • Toxic Pool Poisoning damage increased by 24%.

Of Volatile Shadows

  • Dark Shroud shadow Explosion damage increased by 50%.

Of Stolen Vigor

  • Previous – Each stack of the Momentum Key Passive Heals you for Life per second and grants you 5% Damage Reduction.
  • Now – While at maximum stacks of the Momentum Key Passive, your Cutthroat Skills deal 20-35% increased damage and you become Unstoppable for 3 seconds every 8 seconds.

Unique Items

Saboteur’s Signet

  • Previous – Casting Flurry has a 15-30% chance to release Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second. Your Grenade Skills have a 2% Lucky Hit Chance.
  • Now – Casting a Core Skill has a 15-30% chance to throw Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second. Your Stun Grenades gain 5% Lucky Hit Chance.


  • Ranks of Concussive changed to Ranks of Malice.
  • Vulnerable Damage changed to Dexterity.
  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Hits with this weapon have up to a 30-40% chance to deal double damage and Knock Back the target.
  • Now – Barrage has a 30-40% chance to Knock Back or Knock Down enemies with each hit and deal double damage.

Scoundrel’s Kiss

  • Explosion radius increased by 10%.
  • The visual effect for the Physical damage has been improved to be more consistent.

Writhing Band of Trickery

  • Decoy Trap damage increased by 8%.

Word of Hakan

  • Previous – Your Rain of Arrows is always Imbued with all Imbuements at once.
  • Now – Your Rain of Arrows is always Imbued with all Imbuements at once and receives your Arrow Storm benefits.


Tricks of the Trade – Legendary Node

  • Previous – Your Marksman Skills grant your next Cutthroat Skill 25% increased damage. Your Cutthroat Skills grant your next Marksman Skill 25% increased damage.
  • Now – Your Marksman Skills grant your Cutthroat Skills 25% increased damage for 8 seconds. Your Cutthroat Skills grant your Marksman Skills 25% increased damage for 8 seconds.

Cheap Shot – Legendary Node

  • Previous – You deal 5% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to 25%.
  • Now – You deal 5% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to 25%. A Nearby Staggered Boss provides the maximum bonus.

Exploit Weakness – Legendary Node

  • Previous – Whenever you deal damage to a Vulnerable enemy, they take 1% increased damage from you for 6 seconds, up to 25%.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Direct damage to a Vulnerable enemy has up to a 45% chance to increase your damage by 1% for 25 seconds, up to 50%. At 50 stacks, this bonus resets and you Execute all Nearby Non-Boss enemies.

No Witnesses – Legendary Node

  • Is now capped at a maximum damage bonus of 35%.

Developer’s Note: This is to compensate for increased sources of Ultimate Skill Damage added to the Rogue Paragon Board this season.

Leyrana’s Insinct – Legendary Node

  • Is now capped at a maximum damage bonus of 35%.

Culler – Rare Node

  • Execute Chance changed to Ultimate Damage.
  • Magic Nodes in this cluster that gave Execute Chance now give Ultimate Damage.

Ruin – Rare Node

  • Damage to Healthy changed to Ultimate Damage.
  • Magic Nodes in this cluster that gave Damage to Healthy now give Ultimate Damage.


  • Crackling Energy base damage increased from 20% to 30%.


Ice Armor

  • Max Life Base Shield amount increased from 25% to 40%.
  • No longer gains increased Shield based on damage.

Charged Bolts

  • Base damage increased from 30% to 38%.
  • Enhanced Charged Bolts
    • Explosion damage increased from 150% to 175% of Charged Bolt’s damage.


  • Base damage per hit increased from 10% to 12%.
  • Enhanced Spark
    • Damage increased from 8% to 10%.
  • Glinting Spark
    • Previous: Spark grants 2% increased Critical Strike Chance per cast for 5 seconds, up to 8%.
    • Now: Spark grants 2% increased Critical Strike Chance per cast for 5 seconds, up to 8%. At max stacks, your Spark hits grant 1 Mana.


  • Base damage increased from 130% to 150%.
  • Enhanced Blizzard
    • Blizzard damage to Frozen enemies increased from 25% to 40%.


  • Base damage increased from 14% to 16%.
  • Summoned Hydra
    • Burn damage increased from 60% to 100%.


  • Base damage increased by 20%.

Flickering Arc Lash

  • Previous: Gain 6% Movement Speed for 5 seconds for each enemy hit with Arc Lash, up to 18%.
  • Now: Arc Lash grants 5 Mana if your swipe hits at least one enemy. When you hit 3 or more enemies or a Boss, your next swipe also deals 50% more damage.

Chain Lightning

  • Now tracks how many Chain Lightnings are out.
  • Greater Chain Lightning
    • Previous: Each time Chain Lightning bounces, it deals 5% increased damage for its duration.
    • Now: Each time Chain Lightning bounces, it deals 10% increased damage for its duration, up to 30%.
  • Chain Lightning Enchantment
    • Now has a 4 second Cooldown.
    • No longer tracks Mana or sends out Chain Lightnings if the instance of Mana Drain is from an Auto Cast skill.

Ice Armor

  • Max Life Base Shield amount increased from 25% to 40%.
  • No longer gains increased Shield based on damage.

Flame Shield

  • Cooldown begins when Invulnerability ends.

Enhanced Lightning Spear

  • Previous: After Critically Striking, Lightning Spear gains a 5% increased stacking Critical Strike Chance for its duration.
  • Now: Casting Lightning Spear spawns an additional Lightning Spear and increases their Critical Strike Chance by 15%.

Wizard’s Blizzard

  • Previous: While Blizzard is active, your Core Skills cost 20% less Mana.
  • Now: While Blizzard is active, you gain 1 Mana Regeneration for every 20 Maximum Mana.


  • Cooldown increased from 11 to 14.
  • Base damage increased from 25% to 35%.



  • Stun chance increased from 5% to 7%.

Crippling Flames

  • Immobilize chance increased from 5% to 7%.

Snap Freeze

  • Freeze chance increased from 5% to 7%.

Static Discharge

  • Chance to spawn Crackling Energy increased from 5% to 6%.

Shocking impact

  • Damage for each Rank increased from 40% to 50%.


  • Base Burning damage increased from 20% to 40%.

Vyr’s Mastery

  • Previous: Close enemies take 15% increased damage from your Shock Skills and deal 20% less damage to you. Critical Strikes increase these bonuses to 20% and 25% respectively for 3 seconds.
  • Now: When you Critical Strike an enemy with a Shock Skill you become Charged and take 25% less damage for 5 seconds. While Charged, Critical Strikes have a 10% chance to causes the damage to arc as Lightning damage to another Nearby enemy, or if there are no other targets you hit the target again for 250% of the damage.

Developer’s Note: Shock Sorcerer is often highly incentivized to play in close combat. This rework aims to open up the Shock Sorcerer playstyle, allowing for both close and ranged options while maintaining the defensive capability of the original design that players love.

Legendary Aspects

Charged Aspect

  • Movement Speed bonus increased from 10-20 to 15-25.

Aspect Of Efficiency

  • Mana Cost Reduction increased from 10-25% to 35-50%.

Aspect of Engulfing Flames

  • Burning damage to enemies below 50% Life increased from 15-30% to 30-45%.

Aspect Of Abundant Energy

  • Previous: Crackling Energy has a 35-50% chance to chain to an additional enemy.
  • Now: Crackling Energy has a 35-50% chance to deal 40%|x| increased damage and chain to an additional enemy.

Aspect Of Splintering Energy

  • Previous: Casting Lightning Spear always spawns an additional Lightning Spear and increases your damage with Shock Skills by X for Y seconds.
  • Now: Critical Hits with Lightning Spear cause Lightning to arc from it dealing X damage to its target and up to 5 other enemies. This damage is increased by your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.

Aspect of Binding Embers

  • Previous: Flame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized for X seconds.
  • Now: Flame Shield grants you unhindered for its duration. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized for X seconds.

Aspect Of the Frozen Wake

  • Ice Spike damage increased from 60%-80% to 80%-100%.
  • Now has 15% extra damage to Ice Spikes instead of 15% extra Chill.

Aspect Of the Frozen Tundra (Deep Freeze)

  • Ice Spike damage increased from 60%-80% to 100%-120%.

Glacial Aspect

  • Now has 15% extra Chill with Ice Spikes instead of 15% extra Damage.


Burning Instinct

  • Burning Instinct Critical Strike bonus reduced from 1% per 25 Intelligence to 1% per 50 Intelligence and now caps at 40%|x|.

Ceaseless Conduit

  • Crackling Energy damage reduced from 3% per 20 Intelligence to 1% per 25 Intelligence and now caps at 60%|x|.

Elemental Summoner

  • Now caps at its damage bonus at 30%|x|.


  • Damage with Frost Skills increased from 15%|x| to 18%|x|.

Unleash Glyph

  • Increased the damage bonus from 7% to 8%.
  • Increased the Mana Regeneration from 7% to 25%.

Tempering Updates

  • The following Tempering Affixes have been moved from existing Tempering Recipes onto new Recipes in the Utility Category.Developer’s Note: We are looking to expand what Affixes are available within the Utility Category to bring more depth and variety to Tempering.
    • Barbarian Innovation – Barbarian Utility Recipe
      • Earthquake Duration – from Wasteland Augments
      • Kick Vulnerable Duration – from Furious Augments
      • Frenzy Duration – from Berserking Augments
      • Flay Duration – from Bleed Augments
    • Nature Magic Innovation – Druid Utility Recipe
      • Hurricane Size – from Storm Augments
      • Lightning Storm Duration – from Storm Augments
      • Petrify Duration – from Earth Augments
      • Cyclone Armor Active Size – from Nature Magic Wall
    • Rogue Innovation – Rogue Utility Recipe
      • Invigorating Strike Duration – from Basic Augments
      • Twisting Blades Return Time Reduction – from Core Augments
      • Flurry Size – from Core Augments
      • Heartseeker Duration – from Basic Augments

Endgame Bosses

  • For updates on our Endgame Bosses, you can read more about those changes here.


  • For updates on Helltide, you can read more about those changes here.

Loot Rewards

  • For updates on Loot Rewards, you can read about those changes above here.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Floating Combat Text has been updated to be more consistent and be more legible.
  • Settings for Floating Combat Text have been added to allow players to further customize what sort of floating text they want to see.
  • The Stats window now has a highlight for when the Armor Cap has been reached.
  • The sections in the Stats window can now be collapsed and expanded as desired.
  • Mythic Unique Items now have new visual effects and have a unique look in the Inventory for them to stand out more.
  • Legendary Aspects can now be favorited and filtered while interacting with the Occultist.
  • Shift-clicking a skill will now add 5 points (or as many as possible) to it in the Skill tree.
  • The notification for unlocking and upgrading Aspects has been improved to be more prominent.


  • Tortured Gifts in Helltide no longer contain Obols.
  • This season’s Nightmare Dungeon rotation remains the same as the previous season.
  • World Bosses are now more resilient to damage.
  • Experience rewards for side quests, including Priority Quests(i.e. Gem Crafting Quest) and Class quests, have been increased.
  • Skills that grant Immunity, e.g. Flame Shield and Blood Mist, now only go on cooldown once the Immunity effect ends.
  • Potions can now be used while Crowd Controlled.
  • Certain tutorial quests, e.g. the quest for crafting a gem, are now tracked account-wide for completion status.
  • Various Dungeons have had tweaks to their layouts to further streamline them.
  • More Weapon Types are now available to more Classes.
    • Druids can now use Polearms, 1-handed Swords, and Daggers.
    • Necromancers can now use Maces and Axes. This includes Butcher’s Cleaver being usable for Necromancers.
    • Sorcerers can now use 1-Handed Swords and 1-Handed Maces. This includes Azurewrath and Doombringer being usable for Sorcerers.
  • Inherent Affixes on multiple Weapon Types have been changed.
    • Axes inherent Affix changed from Damage to Healthy Enemies to Damage Over Time.
    • Wands inherent Affix changed from Lucky Hit Chance to Vulnerable Damage.
    • Scythes inherent Affix changed from Life on Kill to Summoning Damage.
    • Staffs inherent Affix changed from Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies to Damage Over Time.
    • Bows inherent Affix changed from Damage to Distant Enemies to Critical Strike Damage.
    • Polearms inherent Affix changed from Damage to Injured Enemies to Vulnerable Damage.
    • Focus and Totem inherent Affix changed from Cooldown Reduction to Lucky Hit Chance.




  • Fixed an issue where Fury Regeneration would malfunction when assigning the Tactical Rallying Cry Upgrade.
  • Fixed an issue where the 5 second internal Cooldown for the Aspect of Ancestral Echoes was not listed in the Aspect’s description.
  • Fixed an issue where stack granted by the Aspect of Limitless Rage could be inconsistently acquired.
  • Fixed an issue where Charge could be used to bypass interaction channels, such as opening Helltide Chests.
  • Fixed an issue where Earthstrikers Aspect could waste its guaranteed Overpower trigger on autocast instances. This includes triggers from Overkill and Ring of the Ravenous.
  • Fixed an issue where bonus Fury generated by the Aspect of Berserk Fury didn’t grant Fortify when used in conjunction with the Aspect of Numbing Wrath.
  • Fixed an issue where Whirlwind didn’t scale with Passive and temporary Attack Speed.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage modifier for the Rumble Glyph was additive when fighting Crowd Controlled enemies. Rumble’s Damage bonus is now capped at 30%[x].
  • Fixed an issue where Death Blow wasn’t being consistently reset when enemies were killed by shockwaves created by Overkill.


  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Aspect of the Changeling’s Debt was missing the damage type indicator when using advanced tooltips.
  • Fixed an issue where projectiles from Tyrael’s Might behaved erratically when used with Shred.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip description for Enhanced Poison Creeper was missing information.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rabies did not fully benefit from the Toxic Claws Passive.
  • Fixed an issue where the the pull effect from Airidah’s Inexorable Will had a larger area of effect than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Enhanced Rabies was scaling beyond the 60% bonus if the Damage over time duration was extended.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon drops for Druids were skewed towards 2-Handed Weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where Lightning Storm didn’t scale with Passive and temporary Attack Speed.


  • Fixed an issue where Skeleton Reapers could get both bonuses when using the Second upgrade option.
  • Fixed an issue where the bonus Critical Strike chance from Supreme Bone storm did not trigger if Bone Storm was recast while another Bone Storm was still active.
  • Fixed an issue where the Grasping Veins Aspect could apply its bonus without using Corpse Tendrils.
  • Fixed an issue where Hellbent Commander’s effect could still function when removing points after entering a new zone.
  • Fixed an issue where the Aspect of Frenzied Dead had an irrelevant addition of “Summoning” to its description.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cooldown Reduction granted by Rapid Ossification didn’t apply to Bone Spirt when cast with 100 or more Essence.
  • Fixed an issue where the Untimely Death Aspect was not gaining stacks when the player Healed values smaller than 1% of your max life.
  • Fixed an issue where Reap didn’t scale with Passive and temporary Attack Speed.


  • Fixed an issue where the Methodical Dash upgrade didn’t reduce the Cooldown of Dash by the full, intended amount.
  • Fixed an issue where Puncture could generate multiple combo points when additional resource generation was high.
  • Fixed an issue where Rapid Fire used with Scoundrel’s Kiss and the Repeating Aspect behaved inconsistently.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Clone didn’t deal damage with Rapid Fire.
  • Fixed an issue where Rapid Fire did not have a range limit when used with Scoundrel’s Kiss.
  • Fixed an issue where Scoundrel’s Leathers would properly function when a Core Skill hit a target that wasn’t explicitly aimed at.
  • Fixed an issue where Forceful Arrow made targets Vulnerable after 2 hits instead of 3.
  • Fixed an issue where Caltrops didn’t trigger Movement Speed from the Aspect of Explosive Verve.
  • Fixed an issue where Improved Penetrating Shot didn’t display its duration on the Skill icon on your Action Bar.
  • Fixed an issue where Victimize was double dipping its damage multiplier. A compensatory buff to Victimize was made here, as mentioned above.


  • Fixed an issue where Vyr’s Mastery applied to Non-Shock Skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Ice Armor’s tooltip suggested the Barrier value would increase when dealing damage.


  • Fixed an issue where the Aspect of the Crowded Sage was calculating using base Life instead of Maximum Life.
  • Fixed an issue where Damage over Time effects were receiving the bonus from the %Damage Stat twice.
  • Fixed an issue where Needleflare Aspect was doing excessive amounts of damage to bosses when you were being hit a smaller enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the Elixir of Antivenin could be active alongside other Elixirs.
  • Fixed an issue where Evade could trigger Yen’s Blessing.
  • Fixed an issue where Elite Scorpion enemies with the Teleporter Affix didn’t actually teleport.
  • Fixed an issue where the High Velocity Aspect was not restricted to Rogues.
  • Fixed an issue where Items could disappear when opening many caches at once.
  • Fixed an issue where Starlight did not properly work with Overhealing effects.
  • Fixed an issue where Aspect of Frosty Strides couldn’t be imprinted onto Pants.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Fixed an issue where there was no indication on how to unlock Tempering if the player failed to pick up their first recipe. The quest now properly guides the player to pick up the free recipe.
  • Fixed an issue where, in certain circumstances, Legendary materials could appear in the Lost Items Stash but could not be withdrawn.
  • Fixed an issue where certain tooltips, such as for Berserking, did not properly indicate whether or not their damage was additive or multiplicative.
  • Fixed multiple instances where Aspect tooltips had inconsistent info in their descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where many Unique Items did not display Class restrictions.
  • Fixed an issue where incompatible Mount armors could be selected in the Stablemaster menu.


  • Fixed an issue where materials from Season of the Malignant could drop in the Malignant Burrow.
  • Various performance, visual, and stability improvements.

ソース:「ディアブロ IV」シーズン5 PTRの概要のご紹介